In brief, Universal Design and Access (UDA) is an all-inclusive way in making buildings and services accessible to all. (ALL DISABILITIES ARE COVERED).

In other words, any service, policy, building, echo environment, facility, etc. must be designed in such a way that everyone (not only persons with disabilities) must be able to make use of the above at any time without the need of assistance, modifications or changes.

UDA looks at the realistic picture. It accepts the reality that the broader population comprises of people of different ages, heights, weights, language skills, abilities, etc. 

NCPD Universal Design leaflet

Reasonable Accommodation

Reasonable accommodation refers to necessary and appropriate modification and adjustments, as well as assistive devices and technology, not imposing a situation, where needed in a particular case, to ensure persons with disabilities the enjoyment or exercise on an equal basis with others of all human rights and fundamental freedoms. Reasonable accommodation ensures that persons with disabilities enjoy, on an equal basis with others, all human rights and fundamental freedoms. The Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 4 (PEPUDA) includes ‘denial of reasonable accommodation’ as a form of unfair discrimination. We charge a once-off fee per person to assist with reasonable accommodation measures. We will also do two follow up sessions to see if the client is happy, or if there are any more adjustments or modifications required.

Policy Review

We offer this service to make sure that disability is included (In the correct way) throughout your various policies. If you already have a Disability Policy, we can also review the policy to make sure that it is inclusive and in line with the White Paper on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities.

Wheelchair accessible parking bays in an undercover parking garage


  • An Access consultant will visit your facility to conduct the Access Audit
  • The Access Audit will be done with minimum disruption to your daily operations
  • We will request that the Facility Manager or relevant persons accommodate us while we are doing
  • The audits will include photos, engagement with staff and measurements of the built environment
  • A report with recommendations will be provided once the audit is complete
  • The report will also include proposed changes
  • We offer advisory services during the implementation stages of the recommended changes
Book a training session: fanies@ncpd.org.za

The Universal Design approach is an important step forward as it represents a more inclusive or holistic approach. It ensures that a high level of accessibility within the built environment is a priority for the community as whole, giving freedom of choice and freedom of movements to all individuals throughout their lifetimes.

According to the White Paper on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities the following six dimensions have to be addressed in order to remove barriers to access and participation:

  • Changing attitudes and behaviour
  • Access to the built environment
  • Access to transport
  • Access to information and communication
  • Inclusive design and access and
  • Reasonable accommodation measures

Imperatives which include the South African Constitution, the Employment Equity Act, the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act and more recently the White Paper on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities as well as other human rights laws, have reinforced the importance of addressing the social inclusion of persons with disabilities into all areas of society. 

These significant legal instruments have generated new requirements for the planning and management of all public and commercial activities as part of a much larger responsibility placed at the door of the private and public sectors. 

One of the consequences of this combined legal framework to promote equity is the responsibility that now lies with the corporate governance of any governmental or private sector entity to address the needs of persons with disabilities, and ensure an improved quality of the environment for all users.