Join NCPD for Mandela Month

Join NCPD for Mandela Month

Support any or all of the NCPD’s projects: Casual Day, Heroes Unite and Nappy Run as we celebrate Mandela Month together!

As we celebrate Mandela Month, we are reminded of the indomitable spirit and legacy of Nelson Mandela, a champion of equality and justice. It is during this time that we have an opportunity to reflect on the importance of the National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) and our projects. By extending your support, you can honour Mandela’s vision of a society where all individuals, regardless of their abilities, are given equal opportunities and access to resources. Joining hands with the NCPD this Mandela Month is a powerful way to make a positive impact on the lives of persons with disabilities, helping to create a more inclusive and equitable world for all.

Help us do more:

Casual Day

Casual Day is the National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD)’s flagship awareness and fundraising project. 

Casual Day provides much-needed funds for the work of hundreds of schools and organizations in the disability sector, including nine Provincial Associations of and for Persons with Disabilities (APDs) and five nationwide projects/programs. These projects/programs encompass Workplace and Entrepreneurial Projects/Programs, Universal Design and Access Projects, and Gender-Based Violence Awareness and Training Programs.

Ideas for Making an Impact during Mandela Month’s 67 Minutes

  • Donate R670 towards inverter batteries for devices used in the office for persons with disabilities.
  • Purchase 670 stickers at R20 each to provide a wheelchair.
    670 Stickers x R20ea can buy a wheelchair for a paraplegic person, or a manual chair. Assistive devices are a crucial part of rehabilitation, specifically in regaining independence. These are expensive and require the input of health practitioners, making them unaffordable to many.
    6700 Stickers x R20ea can buy four reasonable motorized wheelchairs for quadriplegic people. 
  • By purchasing stickers you can offer support to survivors of gender-based violence with three therapy sessions each.
    Girls and women with disabilities are three times more likely to experience gender-based violence. The key to healing are therapy sessions and other psychosocial support provided as part of our Enabled Womxn Arise project.
  • 67 Stickers x R20ea can buy 134 basic meals and 670 Stickers x R20ea can buy 13,400 basic meals for our children with disabilities who are not in school.
  • Get 67 Casual Day t-shirts for kids in Centres, these help, because you are giving a good quality t-shirt and support what Casual Day stands for.

Casual Day online shop

Nappy Run

Nappy Run, started in 2011 by the National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD), is an annual national awareness and nappy donation-drive campaign. The purpose of the campaign is to educate the public on the violation of the rights of children with disabilities.

Ideas for Making an Impact during Mandela Month’s 67 Minutes

  • Support our mission by contributing 67 packs of Nappies or 670 individual nappies. We have individuals across the country in need. 
  • You can also provide basic meals for children with multiple disabilities by donating non-perishable food or visit the Donate link.
  • Join us in collecting groceries and toiletries to distribute to persons in need.

Contact our National Office; David Matlakala, Community Liaison Manager on Email:

Donate Nappy Rands or contact your Provincial Association of and for Persons with Disabilities (APDs) for arrangements and deliveries.
Drop-off points

Heroes Unite

The National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) is thrilled to announce a project in partnership with the Walt Disney Company South Africa: Heroes Unite in Support of Children (and Youth) with Disabilities, inspired by Marvel.

Be your most heroic self and purchase a wristband to support this worthy campaign. Fabulous Prizes to be won!

Ideas for Making an Impact during Mandela Month’s 67 Minutes

  • Spread joy by gifting 67 wristbands to a special school of your choice, making 67 children feel included in our heroes project.
  • This initiative also helps raise funds for wheelchairs and supporting children’s education.

Special Request

  • We would like to offer Training Services to train your Teams for 67 Minutes on disability related terminology and workplace inclusion, at a special price of R670 per person.

Enquiries and request for information:

Therina Wentzel: National Director | +27 83 255 6854 text only |
Dylan Mashele: PR and Communications | +27 83 513 2662 |

1 thoughts on “Join NCPD for Mandela Month

  1. Sulyman Stellenboom says:

    Hi i started a ♿ disable club in Mitchell’s Plain Western Cape I open for any advice to help the club to grow 0783333072 I can be connect on this number I THANK YOU IN ADVANCE

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