Category Archives: In the Media

From the National Director’s Desk: January 2025

From the National Director’s Desk: January 2025

How privileged I am to start 2025 with the best team anybody can wish for! NCPD’s vibrant staff and partner teams are all back healthy and motivated after the December break! Our Executive board and Patron have supported and guided us through a bumpy, challenging, but positive, and impactful 2024! We have leaped energetically into […]

NCPD celebrates doctorates of its staff members

NCPD celebrates doctorates of its staff members

Two doctors in the house! The National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) is celebrating two of their valued staff members who have graduated with their doctorates. Dr. Zukiswa Nzo has just finished her doctorate at Waseda University Graduate School of Social Science in Japan, and Dr. Hanri Kriel obtained her PhD in […]

How South Africa’s Special Needs Education is Transforming Lives

How South Africa’s Special Needs Education is Transforming Lives

Hailing from Mthatha in the Eastern Cape province, two young women who aced their Matric at Efata Special School share a story of resilience that reflects the larger changes taking place in South Africa’s special needs education system. Phelokazi Ncobeni remembers clearly the day her life changed. “I recall a moment in 2022 when I […]

Captions benefit all, not only hearing impaired

Captions benefit all, not only hearing impaired

According to the World Report on Hearing 2022, there are approximately 4 million people with a hearing disability in South Africa, of which less than 600,000 are SA Sign Language users (Census 2022: 0.02% of the South African population). In other words, approximately 3,4 million people do not understand SA Sign Language and rely on […]

Look after your hearing on World Hearing Day

Look after your hearing on World Hearing Day

The National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) calls on South Africans to look after their ears and hearing by observing World Hearing Day on 3 March 2024. World Hearing Day was created by the World Health Organization (WHO) to highlight the importance of hearing health and advocate for accessible ear and hearing […]

Update – March 2024: NCPDs fight for the dignity and human rights of children at Mthatha’s Ikhwezi Lokusa Special School

Update – March 2024: NCPDs fight for the dignity and human rights of children at Mthatha’s Ikhwezi Lokusa Special School

Mthatha’s silent, unfolding tragedyThe ‘dishcloth’ children of Ikhwezi Lokusa School denied their dignity and human right to learn Matters have gone from very bad to absolutely horrendous for learners at Mthatha’s Ikhwezi Lokusa School. The 200 young people, routinely and callously called fayidukhwe (dishcloths) by the very people appointed to care for them, started the […]



THE DETERIORATING STATE OF IKHWEZI LOKUSA SPECIAL SCHOOL (EC): Today, as we commemorate the International Day for Persons with Disabilities, a day intended for celebration and acknowledgment of triumphs over challenges, my heart is heavy with a sense of sadness and outrage. This poignant reflection stems from a recent session with the parents of Ikhwezi […]

NCPDs fight for the dignity and human rights of children at Mthatha’s Ikhwezi Lokusa Special School

NCPDs fight for the dignity and human rights of children at Mthatha’s Ikhwezi Lokusa Special School

Therina Wentzel shared a heartening update, after a session with parents of learners at Mthatha’s Ikhwezi Lokusa Special School on Thursday, 30 November hosted at APD Mthatha. Parents left feeling empowered, knowing their rights are supported by NCPD and EELC. Inspired by this unity, a parents’ organization is in the making with Beauty’s assistance. Together, […]

Challenges Faced in ICASA Hearing: A Fight for Access to Information

Challenges Faced in ICASA Hearing: A Fight for Access to Information

In Thursday, 09 November’s court hearing challenging the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA), participants faced numerous obstacles that shed light on the difficulties faced by persons with hearing impairments. The courtroom’s sound system posed a significant challenge, making it difficult for participants to hear proceedings clearly. Moreover, the dim lighting conditions made lip-reading […]

Equal access to education for children with disabilities in SA

Equal access to education for children with disabilities in SA

In a ground-breaking move, advocacy groups are taking the South African government to task over the denial of a fundamental right – access to education – for children with disabilities. A recent letter of demand, served to the Department of Basic Education by legal representatives of the National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities […]

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