Category Archives: Hearing Loss & Impairments

NCPD celebrates doctorates of its staff members

NCPD celebrates doctorates of its staff members

Two doctors in the house! The National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) is celebrating two of their valued staff members who have graduated with their doctorates. Dr. Zukiswa Nzo has just finished her doctorate at Waseda University Graduate School of Social Science in Japan, and Dr. Hanri Kriel obtained her PhD in […]

Captions benefit all, not only hearing impaired

Captions benefit all, not only hearing impaired

According to the World Report on Hearing 2022, there are approximately 4 million people with a hearing disability in South Africa, of which less than 600,000 are SA Sign Language users (Census 2022: 0.02% of the South African population). In other words, approximately 3,4 million people do not understand SA Sign Language and rely on […]

NCPD provides training to Deaf students in the Information Systems and Information Technology Departments

NCPD provides training to Deaf students in the Information Systems and Information Technology Departments

The National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities in South Africa provides training to Deaf students in the Information Systems and Information Technology Departmentsby Petri du Toit-Rubaba and Talisa Lalthapersad On 24 June 2024, the Information Systems Department’s Deaf Centre in collaboration with the National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) hosted […]

NCPD Hearing Loss Matters project thanks Casual Day for support

NCPD Hearing Loss Matters project thanks Casual Day for support

The National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities’ (NCPD) Hearing Loss Matters project thanks Casual Day for their tremendous support in ensuring that the needs of this marginalised group are met. The project began over 35 years when NCPD observed that the needs of persons who experienced hearing loss later in life and who […]

Is it time for a hearing test?

Is it time for a hearing test?

Hearing loss doesn’t usually happen overnight. Most people’s hearing changes gradually. For this reason, it can be hard to know whether you need a hearing test, but there are some clear signs. Is it time for a hearing test? Probably, if you’ve noticed any of the following signs: You struggle to follow conversations in background […]

Look after your hearing on World Hearing Day

Look after your hearing on World Hearing Day

The National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) calls on South Africans to look after their ears and hearing by observing World Hearing Day on 3 March 2024. World Hearing Day was created by the World Health Organization (WHO) to highlight the importance of hearing health and advocate for accessible ear and hearing […]

Noise Awareness | How loud is too loud?

Noise Awareness | How loud is too loud?

In the era of widespread headphone and earbud use, questions about the potential harm to hearing have become more prevalent. This concern is particularly relevant for younger generations who frequently engage in activities involving high-volume sounds. To address this, it’s essential to explore the thresholds of sound intensity that could be detrimental to our ears […]

Challenges Faced in ICASA Hearing: A Fight for Access to Information

Challenges Faced in ICASA Hearing: A Fight for Access to Information

In Thursday, 09 November’s court hearing challenging the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA), participants faced numerous obstacles that shed light on the difficulties faced by persons with hearing impairments. The courtroom’s sound system posed a significant challenge, making it difficult for participants to hear proceedings clearly. Moreover, the dim lighting conditions made lip-reading […]

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